Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono

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    Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono quote. In carrying out a peacekeeping mission where the grand strategy is to maintain peace and order by persuading armed parties or other hostile elements to back away from aggressive activities, military strength is not a definite measure of success; neither could material contribution alone guarantees the

    In carrying out a peacekeeping mission where the grand strategy is to maintain peace and order by persuading armed parties or other hostile elements to back away from aggressive activities, military strength is not a definite measure of success; neither could material contribution alone guarantees the "winning of the hearts and minds" of the people. What appears to be important is the day-to-day conduct of the peacekeepers on the ground; those who uphold the principles of neutrality and impartiality, as well as those who are able to carry all aspects of its operational duties exceptionally

    Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono
    Moms Typewriter
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    Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono quote. Ketidakpastian dan kompleksitas permasalahan di abad 21 menuntut kita cepat beradaptasi dan maju ke depan; Insya Allah Indonesia akan menjadi bangsa pemenang, ketika kita cerdas dan cermat untuk mengubah segala tantangan menjadi peluang

    Ketidakpastian dan kompleksitas permasalahan di abad 21 menuntut kita cepat beradaptasi dan maju ke depan; Insya Allah Indonesia akan menjadi bangsa pemenang, ketika kita cerdas dan cermat untuk mengubah segala tantangan menjadi peluang

    Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono
    Moms Typewriter
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    Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono quote. In the era of globalization, everything is interconnected. A problem in one part of the world will definitely impact on other parts of the globe. Such phenomenon is also valid for defense and security context. A conflict in a state will bring implications in its neighboring countries or other countries extended in the same region. Therefore, collaborative efforts in tackling common defense and security problems are essentially required

    In the era of globalization, everything is interconnected. A problem in one part of the world will definitely impact on other parts of the globe. Such phenomenon is also valid for defense and security context. A conflict in a state will bring implications in its neighboring countries or other countries extended in the same region. Therefore, collaborative efforts in tackling common defense and security problems are essentially required

    Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono
    Moms Typewriter
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    Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono quote. Masa depan TNI sangat ditentukan oleh kualitas generasi mudanya; untuk dapat menjawab tantangan geopolitik di abad 21 tidak cukup hanya dengan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan di bidang kemiliteran, dibutuhkan cakrawala pandang yang lebih luas dan utuh tentang dinamika lingkungan strategis global, regional, dan nasional

    Masa depan TNI sangat ditentukan oleh kualitas generasi mudanya; untuk dapat menjawab tantangan geopolitik di abad 21 tidak cukup hanya dengan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan di bidang kemiliteran, dibutuhkan cakrawala pandang yang lebih luas dan utuh tentang dinamika lingkungan strategis global, regional, dan nasional

    Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono
    Moms Typewriter
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    Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono quote. In the future, we should anticipate seeing more hybrid wars where conventional warfare, irregular warfare, asymmetric warfare, and information warfare all blend together, creating a very complex and challenging situation to the combatants; therefore it will require military forces to posses hybrid capabilities, which might help deal with hybrid threats

    In the future, we should anticipate seeing more hybrid wars where conventional warfare, irregular warfare, asymmetric warfare, and information warfare all blend together, creating a very complex and challenging situation to the combatants; therefore it will require military forces to posses hybrid capabilities, which might help deal with hybrid threats

    Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono
    Moms Typewriter
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