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    Gloria Ng quote. For my relationships with men to change, I needed to change my relationship to myself as a woman

    For my relationships with men to change, I needed to change my relationship to myself as a woman

    Gloria Ng
    Moms Typewriter
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    Gloria Ng quote. A photograph of a disposable diaper floating in the arctic miles away from human habitat fueled my daily determination to save at least one disposable diaper from being used and created. One cloth diaper after another, days accumulated into years and now our next child is using the cloth diapers we bought for our firstborn

    A photograph of a disposable diaper floating in the arctic miles away from human habitat fueled my daily determination to save at least one disposable diaper from being used and created. One cloth diaper after another, days accumulated into years and now our next child is using the cloth diapers we bought for our firstborn

    Gloria Ng
    Moms Typewriter
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